Pupil Premium funding
Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to pupils who are one of the following: pupils who are looked after, pupils who are currently eligible for free school meals or have received them in the last six years (Ever 6 children) and pupils who are within a service family. In April 2014, Pupil Premium Plus came into effect whereby children adopted from care, or children who have left care under a Special Guardianship order since December 2005, also receive funds.
The funding is provided to enable the school to provide additional academic and social support focused on each pupil’s individual needs. It can be used to provide teachers, teaching assistants and additional support for children. It can also be used to help towards the cost of uniforms, school trips and residential visits.
Promoting and ensuring that every child reaches their full potential is paramount at Stafford Leys. High expectations and consistency of progress and achievement for all pupils is key, irrespective of gender, race, culture or socio-economic background, and this is enhanced by ensuring the Pupil Premium funding is used to maximum effect.
Stafford Leys is committed to the development of the whole child and our PP strategy is bespoke and targeted to meet the individual needs of each pupil. The wide variety of provision provided encompasses both direct approaches to ‘closing the gap’ and other more creative interventions, which subsequently influence academic achievement and very importantly enhance each child’s social and emotional well-being.
Our key ethos and aims include:
- Adopting a whole school approach with all being empowered and accountable for our pupil premium pupils.
- Being a key focus for SLT with a shared purpose but has an overall strategic lead who is part of the senior leadership team.
- Closing the gap in progress and attainment between pupil premium pupils and non-pupil premium pupils with the intention of eradicating this completely.
- Using the pupil premium funding in the most effective way to meet individual needs and secure the greatest possible outcome for our pupils.
- Ensuring governors, especially our Pupil Premium governor, are fully involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the Pupil Premium spending.
The Senior Leadership Team oversee the Pupil Premium spending and liaise with Governors to discuss this spending at least termly.
Pupil Premium pupils’ progress and attainment are closely monitored and tracked by Senior Leaders and Governors using various data sources and key performance indicators including our own tracking system, attendance information and external data such as the Ofsted Inspection Dashboard.
The overall impact of Pupil Premium expenditure is reviewed termly by Senior Leaders and Governors to ensure the greatest impact is achieved.
All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used each year. Once our information is available, the impact of the funding is reported to all via the school website.
For the academic year 2023-2024, it is expected that Stafford Leys will receive £80,025 of Pupil Premium funding.
Our Pupil Premium lead is Karren Hardy and our Pupil Premium Governor is Beenal Rajyaguru.
2023 2024 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
2022 2023 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
2021 2022 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
PP spending impact 19-20 and expected spending 20-21
Pupil Premium Spending Impact 18-19.pdf
Pupil Premium Action Plan 18-19
Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019
External Review – Sept 2018.pdf2023 2024 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement