SEND Information

Stafford Leys Primary School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and ensures full curriculum entitlement and access. We are committed to meeting individual needs and are an inclusive school that focuses on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning.

Stafford Leys is committed to offering:
· An inclusive ethos
· A broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils
· Systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation
· High expectations and suitable targets for all children.

SEND issues are regularly discussed with all staff members to ensure full understanding of responsibilities and expectations towards pupils with SEND. Clear communication lines between teachers, support staff, specialist staff and parents are established and used to support our children. Training is offered regularly and is based on needs within school.

Our SEND leaders are Emma Hughes and Karren Hardy. They can can be contacted via the school office (0116 2392482) or by email ( or

The Stafford Leys SEND policy and information document below provides information that is more comprehensive.

All policies, procedures and practices followed at Stafford Leys are in line with the agreed Leicestershire Local offer. This can be found at

Click the file below to download our SEND policy and information report.

SEND Policy And Local Offer Sept 23

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