EYFS New Starters

Early Years Foundation Stage at Stafford Leys Primary School

We can’t wait to welcome our new children for September 2024 into school! You can find lots of information about our school on our website. If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the EYFS team, you can email us at office@staffordleys.bepschools.org



Click here for more information about our uniform.

Please make sure that everything your child brings to school is labelled/has their name on it.

Your child will also need a named water bottle in school everyday.


Please click on the links to access some useful handouts to help your child prepare for their transition to Stafford Leys.

Click on the image below to download your own copy – some suggestions of things to help you prepare your child for starting school.

School Nurse Services

Each year our Healthy Together 0-19 public health nursing service provides schools with information for parents of the new Reception intake.

Useful Links

Find below some useful links for you to check out.  Click on the images to open the links.

Leicestershire County Council School Readiness link – click on the image below.

Parent and Friends Association

Our PFA organise amazing events throughout the school year to bring the community together and to raise money for the school.

Take a look at this letter to find out more.

PFA Intake Letter

You could also look at the PFA section of the school website. Click here for more information.

We would like to share with you some photographs of our fantastic outside area in EYFS.

Take a look at just some of the fab things that we do in our
EYFS base.