We are a Good school

We are proud to announce that we are a Good school!

During this unprecedented time, Ofsted were not carrying out full inspections and were only conducting checking visits to schools judged as Inadequate. In very rare cases, they can decide to do a full inspection if they feel the school has improved significantly.

I am pleased to say that they felt that the school deserved a full inspection and after 2 days have graded our school as a Good school. The inspectors said that this was an amazing result considering that there is a new framework with much harder expectations and the school has achieved this during a pandemic. Of the many visits conducted around the country, we can see only a handful of other schools where this has happened.

We are still aiming to be an outstanding school and see this as a stepping-stone towards that goal. The report highlights that we haven’t yet completely planned out how subjects such as history and geography are delivered in EYFS. This is a new requirement and we can fix this very quickly.

This result was only possible thanks to the hard work of our whole school community; the parents support before, during and after lockdown; our children’s desire to improve; and a team of staff who have been motivated to prove that the last inspection grade was not a fair reflection of what our school provides for the children. Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the Ofsted questionnaire or speak to the inspectors on the gate during the inspection.

You can read the full report below

10184541 Stafford Leys Community Primary School 138154 Final PDF