At Stafford Leys we use an exciting range of teaching methods and activities to move children forward in their mathematical thinking. We believe children are able to progress best through the ‘Maths Mastery’ approach. Through the use of practical apparatus, ICT, questioning and games the children develop a secure mathematical understanding to build on as they progress throughout the school.
2022 – 2023 update:
Mathematics teaching for mastery underpinning principles:
- Mathematics teaching for mastery assumes everyone can learn and enjoy mathematics.
- Mathematical learning behaviours are developed such that pupils focus and engage fully as learners who reason and seek to make connections.
- Teachers continually develop their specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, working collaboratively to refine and improve their teaching.
- Curriculum design ensures a coherent and detailed sequence of essential content to support sustained progression over time.
Working with others in maths…
Maths workgroups- This academic year we are working with 7 other schools, which were allocated from our local EMS Maths Hub. I hold termly ‘Teacher Research Groups’ in which two colleagues from each school attend and we work collaboratively with a focus on improving maths mastery across the schools. The time is used for lesson observation, then quality feedback and discussions about what went well and how further improvements can be made in our own classes. At each meeting we set group and personal targets which are reviewed and discussed at the next meeting. As a ‘Mastery Specialist Teacher’ I also go into the 7 schools on a termly basis to support the needs of the individual schools further. Alongside this we have an NCETM online community group to keep the supportive dialogue going.
Stafford Leys maths policy: Maths’ Policy